HAK hugs and kisses (拥抱及亲吻)
HAGD have a great day (祝你有美好的一天)
HAND have a nice day (祝你今天愉快)
HEH a courtesy laugh (礼貌的微笑)
HHOS ha?ha, only serious (哈哈,只是开个玩笑)
HTH hope this helps 或 hope that helps (希望这样有用)
IAE in any event (无论任何情况)
HW homework 或 hardware (家庭作业或硬件)
IANAL I am not a lawyer (我又不是律师)
IC I see (原来如此)
ICBW I could be wrong 或 it could be worse (我可能错了,或情况可能更糟)
IDTS I don't think so (我不这么认为)
IINM if I'm not mistaken (如果我判断得没错)
IIRC if I recall correctly (如果我记得没错)
IIUC if I understand correctly (如果我了解得没错)
IMCO in my considered opinion (根据我的审慎判断)
IME in my experience (根据我的经验)
IMHO in my humble opinion (依我个人浅见)
IMNSHO in my not?so?humble opinion (恕我直言)
IMO in my opinion (依我看来)
IOW in other words (换句话说)
IRL in real life (现实生活)
ISTM it seems to me (我认为)
ISWYM I see what you mean (我了解你的意思)
ITRW in the real world (在现实生活中)
J / joking (开个玩笑)
JC just chillin' (只是有点失望)
JIC just in case (以防万一)
JK/J/K just kidding 或 that was a joke (只是开个玩笑罢了)
JTYWTK just thought you wanted to know (只是以为你想知道)
JW just wondering (只是有点好奇)
K okay (好)
KWIM know what I mean? (你了解我的意思吗?)
L/ laughing (大笑)
L8R later (稍后)
LJBF let's just be friends (让我们作个朋友吧)
LOL laughing out loud (放声大笑)
LTNS long time no see (好久不见)
MHBFY my heart bleeds for you (我也为你感到难过)
MHOTY my hat’s off to you (我要脱帽向你致敬)
MOTAS member of the appropriate sex (适当性别的人)
MOTD message of the day (每日提示)
MYOB mind your own business (别多管闲事)
NBD no big deal (没什么大不了)
NBIF no basis in fact (没有根据)
NOYB none of your business (不关你的事)
NP no problem (没问题)
NRN no response necessary 或 no reply necessary (不需要答复)