
回帖:目标 尽可能记忆随机数字,越多越好。有2次机会。
记忆时间 5分钟
回想时间 15分钟
1. Computer generated numbers are presented in rows of 40 digits with 25 rows per page.
2. 500 digits (1 sheet) are presented.
答卷 1. Contestants may use the Recall Papers provided.
2. If a contestant wishes to use his/her own Recall Papers, these must be approved by the adjudicator before the competition. Contestants must write their recalled numbers in rows of 40 digits.
3. It must be clear how the rows presented on the Recall Paper relate to the rows on the Memorizing Paper (missing rows must be clearly indicated).
1. 40 points are awarded for every complete row that is correctly recalled in order.
2. For every complete row of 40 that has a single mistake in it (this includes a missing digit), 20 points are awarded for that row.
3. For every complete row of 40 that has two or more mistakes (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for that row.
如果一行中 出现两处或以上的错误(包括漏掉数字)得0分。
4. For the last row only. If the last row is incomplete (e.g. only the first 29 numbers have been written down) and all of the digits are correct, then the points awarded will equal the number of digits recalled (29 in this example).
5. If the last row is incomplete and there is a single mistake (this includes a missing digit) then the points awarded will equal half the number of digits recalled. (For an odd number of digits the fraction is rounded up e.g. 29 the score would be 29/2 rounded up equals 15).
6. For two or more mistakes in the last row (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for that row.
7. The winner of the event is the contestant with the highest score (the best score from the two attempts is put forward).
8. In the case of tied winning scores, the winner will be the contestant who has a better second trial.If the contestants are also equal in this second trial the adjudicator will look at the extra lines of the best trial of each contestant. (The lines the contestant tried to recall but for which he/she got 0 points.) For every correctly positioned digit 1 decision point will be given. The contestant with more of these decision points is the winner.
下一楼›:目标 尽可能记住历史事件发生的时间,越多越好。历史事件是虚拟的。
记忆时间 5分钟
‹上一楼:目标 尽可能多记忆人名和头像,将人名和头像正确搭配起来,记的越多越好。
记忆时间 15分钟 ..
