


2007-03-16 19:47
Situation 15 Back at Home
Catherine: Wow, you're home early. It's only eight forty-five.
James: Yeah, it was a strange day at the office.
Catherine: Why? Did your presentation go poorly?
James: No. Nothing like that. In fact, it went really well. It's just that I had some trouble with a colleague.
Catherine: Who?
James: Do you remember Steve Dawson?
Catherine: Let me think. Didn't I meet him at the Christmas party?
James: Yes. That's him.
Catherine: That's right . I told you to be careful when working with him. He seems so aggressive. What did he do?
James: Oh, nothing really. I just thought we were supposed to be working together, but he seemed to be working against me.
Catherine: I told you to watch out for him. I remember I said...
James: (Cutting her off.) Yes, you told me. But I don't want to talk about it now. Tomorrow is Saturday and I just want to rest. Besides, we haven't had much time together either. How was your day?
Catherine: The same as always. I like teaching but sometimes the children are so wild.
James: But they love you and need you, just like me.
Catherine: Oh, stop. And, anyway, I don't want to talk about my day either. Have you eaten?
James: Not since lunch. You?
Catherine: I was waiting for you. I thought you might be home early.
James: Great. What do you want?
Catherine: Let's order some Chinese food. I feel like staying at home and watching a vedio.
James: Perfect.
Situation 16 Getting up in the Morning
(The alarm goes off but James is already up.)
James: Catherine, are you going to sleep all day or do I get some breakfast?
Catherine: Ah... What are you doing up so early? You never get up before me!
James: I'm so excited about the deal with Wang yesterday / that I'm actually looking forward to going to work.
Catherine: James honey, It is so nice to see you happy about your job. I know how long you have been waiting for some recognition from your boss. And look, now your honesty and hard work are paying off.
James: Well, are you just going to lie in bed? Why don't you make some eggs, toast and coffee while I take a shower?
Catherine: All right, all right, I'm getting up.
Situation 17 Breakfast
Catherine: Are two eggs going to be enough?
James: Plenty . I wouldn't mind another cup of coffee, though.
Catherine: You should eat a little more. It looks like you are going to have a big day at the office.
James: You may be right. But I can't really think of food right now, I've got too many other things on my mind.
Catherine: I just don't want you to run out of energy today.
James: Don't worry. I'll stop off on the way to the office at Dunkin Donuts and pick up a few donuts in case I get hungry between now and lunch.
Catherine: Oh, James! Donuts? Why don't you eat a more nutritious breakfast? You are not a college kid anymore.
James: You're right, but the fact is I love donuts; always have, always will. Well, I should get going. I want to get to the office a little early today, I have to figure out a way to smooth things out between Steve and Mr. Barnes.
Catherine: Okay, honey. Have a good day. Ah... What time will you be home?
James: I have a feeling Mr. Barnes is planning to take us out to dinner tonight to celebrate yesterday's deal.
Catherine: Would it do any good for me to ask you not to drink too much at the dinner tonight?
James: Probably not.
Catherine: Hn... I didn't think so, but you know I had to ask anyway.
James: Don't worry honey. If I drink tonight I'll take a texi home.
Catherine: Okay. Have a good day. I'll see you tonight.
James: See you tonight.
Situation 18 At Dunkin Donuts

(James enters Dunkin Donuts.)
Clerk: Good morning. Welcome to Dunkin Donuts.
James: Good morning. Are the donuts fresh this morning?
Clerk: Yes sir, we made them about an hour ago.
James: Good. In that case I'd better pick up a few for the rest of guys at the office. Do you have a special if I order more than a dozen?
Clerk: As a matter of fact, we are having a September special. For every dozen donuts you order we'll give you a thirteenth donut free.
James: In that case, give me a dozen chocolate and a dozen jelly filled?
Clerk: Yes sir, here you are. Will that be all?
James: Also, would you fill my thermos up with coffee? We have a coffee machine at the office, but it's not as good as your coffee.
Clerk: There you are, sir. Two dozen donuts / and one thermos of coffee. That will be six dollars and seventy-five cents.
James: All I have is a fifty dollar bill. Can you make change this early in the morning?
Clerk: No problem. Here is your change. Have a nice day.
James: Thanks. You too.
Situation 19 At the Office
(When James arrives at the office his secretary is already there.)
James: Good morning, Stacy.
Stacy: Good morning, Mr. Goddard. Mr. Barnes asked to see as soon as you got in.
James: Did he say what it is about?
Stacy: No, but he said to ask you to come up to his office as soon as you arrive. I assume it's about the Wang account.
James: I'm sure you are right. Thank you, Stacy. By the way, I brought some donuts. Feel free to help yourself.
Stacy: Mr. Goddard! You know I'm trying to watch my weight.
James: I forgot. Anyway, why don't you put them out so everyone in the office can help themselves.
Stacy: What's the special occasion? I don't recall you ever bringing donuts for everyone before.
James: Let's just say that I'm in a good mood today. Well, I'd better get up to Mr. Barnes' office. Wish me luck.
Stacy: Good luck!
Situation 20 Mr. Barnes' Office
(James knocks on Mr. Barnes' door and enters his office.)
James: You asked for me, sir?
Mr. Barnes: Ah, Goddard. Good, come right in. Listen, I want to ask your opinion about a few things. First, let me tell you again how pleased I am at the way you handled the Wang account. As you know this is a huge account / and it's going to require its own management team.
James: Thank you, sir.
Mr. Barnes: Wang computers wants us to not only develop a new set of software for the new operating system we are designing for them, but they also wants us to develop new marketing strategies for this system. Something similar to what Apple did with their new line of Macintosh computers. That was a brilliant marketing idea to build the processor right into the monitor. And you know how successful they were in developing great advertising for their new products.
James: Yes sir. Apple was able to regain their share of the market with the combination of a great product and good advertising.
Mr. Barnes: Well, Goddard. I need the team that can do the same thing for us and Wang computers. I am thinking of making you the man in charge of putting this team together and managing it. Do you think you could handle an assignment like that?
James: Do you mean that I could choose my own team?
Mr. Barnes: With my approval of course.
James: Yes sir. I think with the right people working with me, that I can make the most of our partnership with Wang computers.
Mr. Barnes: Good. That's what I wanted to hear. I am promoting you to the Executive Director in charge of the Wang account. Now, you are going to need a good assistant. Do you have anyone in mind?
James: Yes sir, I do. Steve Dawson.
Mr. Barnes: Dawson!? From what I saw at the meeting yesterday, he didn't seem to be a team player. He was looking out for his own interest.
James: Well, yes. It did seem that way, but there are a few things you should know about Steve Dawson, sir. First, he has been with the company much longer than I have without a promotion / and the Wang account was his big chance. That is why he was so aggressive. Second, when I came into the company, there were so many things that I didn't know. Steve was never selfish with his time and he taught me a lot. Third, I think if he is given a chance, he can develop a great advertising package for the new system we are developing for our partnership with Wang computers. Last but not least, Steve and I really work well together.
Mr. Barnes: I must say, I am impressed with your loyalty. All right then, I want you to take Dawson to lunch today / and inform him of his promotion / to Assistant Executive Director in charge of the Wang deal.
James: Thank you, sir. I can assure you that you won't regret your decision.
Mr. Barnes: All right, Goddard. That's all. You can go.
James: Yes, sir.
Mr. Barnes: Oh, Goddard, one more thing.
James: Sir?
Mr. Barnes: You can put the lunch bill on your new executive expense account.
James: Yes, sir!
Situation 21 James' Office
James: Stacy, would you get Steve Dawson on the line for me, please?
Stacy: Right away, Mr. Goddard. (Dials Steve's extension) Mr. Dawson, this is Mr. Goddard's office, please hold for Mr. Goddard.
James: (Speaking on the phone) Good morning Steve, how's it going?
Steve: James! Yeah... I'm okay. How are you?
James: I'm doing pretty well this morning. But you don't sound so good. Is something wrong?
Steve: Well, it's just that I've been worrying all night about what happened yesterday. I still feel terrible about the way I acted in the meeting.
James: Listen, I told you last night to forget about it.
Steve: I know you did. But I can't get over it so easily. I really feel like I let you down yesterday.
James: Look, do you have any plans for lunch today?
Steve: Nothing special, why?
James: Then why don't you let me buy you lunch today?
Steve: Actually, I feel like I should buy you lunch.
James: No, today lunch will be on me. Should we meet at twelve o'clock, then?
Steve: All right, I'll see you at noon.
James: See you then, Bye.
Steve: Bye.
Situation 22 At the Restaurant
Steve: Wow, this is a really expensive place. Are you sure you want to eat here? Why don't we just go get a couple of sandwiches?
James: Don't worry about that.
(The waitress greets them.)
Waitress: Good afternoon. How many people today?
James: Just the two of us.
Waitress: Would you like a booth?
James: That will be fine, thank you.
Waitress: All right, follow me please.
(James and Steve are seated.)
Waitress: Here is our lunch menu with the specials listed on the right. I would especially like to recommend the steak and lobster combination. The lobster is very fresh.
Steve: I think I will just have the soup and salad special, please.
James: What are you talking about? Why don't we both get the steak and lobster special? It sounds great.
Steve: But James, that will be a sixty dollar lunch bill. I know what your salary is / and you can't afford lunches like this.
James: Don't worry about it. This goes on a company credit card.
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