


2007-03-16 19:40
【ADSE普及版文本】Absolutely Don't Study English Junior Version
Tape 1 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Tape 2 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Tape 1 A Day in the Life of a Typical American Family with a Student
Situation 1 Waking Up
(It is Monday morning. Robert's Mom comes into his room and wakes him up.)
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, wake up. It's seven o'clock.
Robert (Son): Oh, Mom. Can't I sleep a little longer?
Robert's Mom (Mother): No, you have to catch the bus at seven forty-five.
Robert (Son): Okay, I'll get up.
Robert's Mom (Mother): That's a good boy. I'll get breakfast ready while you take a shower.
Robert (Son): Is anyone in the bathroom?
Robert's Mom (Mother): No, you can shower right now.
Robert (Son): Great! What's for breakfast?
Robert's Mom (Mother): I haven't decided yet. You just take your shower, brush your teeth and hair. And I'll take care of the food.
Robert (Son): All right. I'll come downstairs in fifteen minutes.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Ten minutes would be better.
Robert (Son): I'll hurry, but I can't promise.
Robert's Mom (Mother): But you might miss the bus if you wait too long.
Robert (Son): You are right, Mom. I'll be down in ten minutes.
Robert's Mom (Mother): That's a good boy. Hurry up!
Robert (Son): Hey, Mom. Can you make waffles for breakfast?
Robert's Mom (Mother): I can't promise. But if you hurry, I might make them.
Robert (Son): For waffles, I'll always hurry.
Situation 2 Breakfast
(Coming downstairs and sitting at the table.)
Robert (Son): Mom, breakfast smells great. What is it?
Robert's Mom (Mother): It's waffles. Just like you wanted.
Robert (Son): Thanks, Mom. You're the best!
Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes, but only when I make what you want to eat.
Robert (Son): Mom, you know that's not true.
Robert's Mom (Mother): I know. I was only joking. I also made you some sausage and orange juice.
Robert (Son): Perfect! How did you know sausage and waffles were my favorite?
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, I'm your mother. I know everything about you.
Robert (Son): Not everything.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Oh, really? What don't I know?
Robert (Son): Well, you don't know I'm on the basketball team at school.
Robert's Mom (Mother): The what?
Robert (Son): The basketball team. I'm on the team and I'm playing forward.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Does you father know about this?
Robert (Son): No. And he doesn't have to know. If you don't tell him …
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, you know I have to tell him. He is your father.
Robert (Son): Yeah, but Mom, you know he won't understand.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes, he will. You just have to explain it to him.
Robert (Son): No, he won't. He just wants me to study. He doesn't like sports at all.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes, he does. He plays golf.
Robert (Son): Mom, golf is not a sport. It's a game for old people.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Be careful! I play golf too.
Robert (Son): I know. I just mean it's not sport like basketball.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Oh, here comes your father now. We'll tell him.
Robert (Son): Do you have to?
Robert's Mom (Mother): Yes.
Situation 3 Talking to Dad
(Robert's Dad comes downstairs and joins Robert and his Mom at the table.)
Robert's Mom (Mother): Good morning, dear.
Robert (Son): Good morning, Dad.
Robert's Dad (Father): Good morning, you two. What were you just talking about?
Robert (Son): Nothing.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, tell your father which you just told me!
Robert's Dad (Father): What's that, Robert?
Robert (Son): Well, it's really nothing. But I am play a little basketball after school these days.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, it's more than just a little basketball.
Robert's Dad (Father): Which is it, a little or more?
Robert (Son): Dad, I am on the basketball team. Isn't that great?
Robert's Dad (Father): I'm not sure. You know how I feel about you playing sports and not studying.
Robert (Son): But I am studying, Dad. I promise.
Robert's Dad (Father): I still don't like the idea of you playing when you should be doing schoolwork.
Robert (Son): But I can do both. I can play sports and do my schoolwork.
Robert's Dad (Father): Are you sure?
Robert (Son): Yes.
Robert's Dad (Father): What do you think, dear?
Robert's Mom (Mother): I think we should give him a chance. If he can keep good grades in school while playing basketball, then we should let him play. But if his grades are bad, he will have to quit the team.
Robert (Son): Yeah, Dad. That's fair.
Robert's Dad (Father): Well, it's sounds okay. Let's give it a try. But if you don't do your schoolwork, you'll off the team. Do you understand?
Robert (Son): Yes. Thanks Mom, you're great.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Your father said yes, too.
Robert (Son): Oh, yeah. Thanks, Dad.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Robert, you'd better go. You'll be late for your bus.
Robert (Son): Okay, I'm going. Thanks for breakfast.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Hurry up!
Robert (Son): Bye!
Robert's Mom (Mother): Bye! See you tonight.
Situation 4 Mom and Dad Have a Talk
Robert's Mom (Mother): He sure is going up fast.
Robert's Dad (Father): Tell me about it. He seems to change every month.
Robert's Mom (Mother): What do you think about him playing team basketball? I'm worry that he'll neglect school and get too involved in athletics and all the other distraction for the come with playing sports.
Robert's Dad (Father): Oh, I don't know. I know I sounded negative about it just now with Robert. But actually, I am happy he's playing. I played sports from middle school and it didn't hurt my grades.
Robert's Mom (Mother): Are you serious? You were lucky to graduate from high school.
Robert's Dad (Father): I got good grades at university. Besides, kids should get more out of middle and high school than books and tests.
Robert's Mom (Mother): But this is the age where he will develop most of his habits, both good and bad. What if he ends up liking sports more than school?
Robert's Dad (Father): So what? You say that as if it is the end of the world. When I was his age all I cared about was sports and girls. And look at me, I turned out just fine.
Robert's Mom (Mother): That is because you didn't have any luck at either sports or girls, and realized you had better study when your went to college.
Robert's Dad (Father): Careful! When you say I didn't have any luck with women that could mean I was unlucky to have married you?
Robert's Mom (Mother): All right. I'll admit that after you entered university, you got your act together. But, what are we going to do about Robert?
Robert's Dad (Father): Nothing! As it is, he is doing fine in school and so we will give him a chance and see if he can handle both basketball and studies. Who knows? We may have a future NBA star for a son.
Situation 5 On the School Bus
(Robert goes outside and catches his bus. His friend Billy is already on the bus.)
Robert: Hey, Billy! What's up?
Billy: Hey, Bobby! How are you?
Robert: My name is 'Robert', not 'Bobby'.
Billy: And my name is 'William', but everybody calls me 'Billy'.
Robert: Well, that's you, not me. Please call me 'Robert' from now on.
Billy: Okay, Bob.
Robert: Very funny. I'm going to start call you 'William'.
Billy: No, I hate that name. I promise to call you 'Robert' if you promise not to call me 'William'.
Robert: I promise. You see how easy that was. Hey, are you going to the practice today?
Billy: Practice? What practice?
Robert: Basketball practice, of course.
Billy: I almost forgot. Yeah, I'm going. What about you? Did your Dad give you permission?
Robert: Yep, can you believe it? The old man is not so bad.
Billy: I think your Dad is really cool. He is very better than my Dad.
Robert: That was what you think, but it's not true. He only wants me to study, but my Mom help me, so now I can play sports too.
Billy: What about your grades?
Robert: I promise that I would get good grades.
Billy: What if you don't?
Robert: If I don't, then I have to quit the basketball team.
Billy: I know you'll be studying hard this year.
Robert: Yes, I will. I like basketball enough to make me want to study hard.
Billy: yeah, school is not so bad if you can both study and play.
Situation 6 Basketball
(David is sitting behind Robert and wants to talk about basketball.)
David: I heard your guys talking of basketball. Who do you think is the greatest player ever?
Robert: That's easy. It's Michael Jordan.
David: I don't think so. I think it's Shaquille O'Neal.
Robert: What? Shaq? Jordan is very better than Shaq!
David: No way! Jordan has more fancy moves, but Shaq is better.
Robert: Are you crazy? Shaq is just big and that is all. Jordan is the better shooter. He has better defense. He is more fun to watch. And he has won more championships. How do you say Shaq is better?
David: I don't know.
Robert: What your mean you don't know?
David: I mean I don't know much about basketball. I just heard my older brother saying Shaq was the best.
Robert: You don't know much about basketball and you are fighting with me. Are you on a basketball team?
David: No, I am in a chess club.
Robert: Chess club? Then you should talk about chess and not basketball.
David: Sorry. Hey, do you like chess?
Robert: I hate it. It is the most boring game on earth.
David: You shouldn't say that! It is really fun!
Robert: Okay, I'm sorry. I promise not to talk about chess if you promise not to talk about basketball.
David: Okay, I promise.
Situation 7 First Period
(Robert's first period of the day is English class. His teacher is Mr.Hubbard. )
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Good morning, class!
Students: Good morning, Mr. Hubbard.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Did all of you have a fun weekend? How abut you, Robert? How was your weekend?
Robert: It was pretty good.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Robert, this is an English language class. Please speak a little more. Tell us all about what you did on Saturday and Sunday.
Robert: Let's see. On Saturday, I went out to dinner.
(Robert stops and doesn't say anything more.)
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Will you tell the class and me where you went out to dinner and what you ate?
Robert: Yes. I went to T.G.I. Fr
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