


2009-06-03 15:44

A private conversation
Last week I went to the theatre.一个富丽堂皇的剧院,光大门有两里宽
I had a very good seet.位置宽又大,角度也好,贴着舞台。
The play was very interesting.演员打扮华丽,表演投入,舞台效果感觉在天堂。
I did not enjoy it.作者坐立不安,PG下面象有针扎
A young man and a young women were sitting behind me.一个打扮脑残的男人和一个打扮象鸡婆的女人都带着
They were talking loudly. 有两个大音箱在作者耳后轰。
I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.作者的耳朵变长了象驴耳朵伸向舞台,也听不到台词
I turned round. I looked at the man and the women angrily.作者转身,看着两人眼睛冒出了火苗。
They did not pay any attention. 男女对视,眼睛连起电花,没看作者
In the end, I could not bear it.作者抓狂,头发衣服抓乱
I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 作者转身,嘴里长出一高音喇叭喊
' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely.脑残男粗鲁得象一个ShanXi 的煤老板,身上穿着RMB摔掉两条黄龙鼻涕说:
'This is a private conversation!'

Lesson 2
Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?
It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays.作者变成一头大肥猪躺在床上
I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. 墙上的钟长出嘴大叫'Lunch time,Lunch time'
Last Sunday I got up very late.大肥猪身上都发了霉,长了小蘑菇
I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.窗外乌云密布,巨大的乌贼在天上吐墨汁
'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.'窗外下着雨,雨点个个有澡盆那么大
Just then, the telephone rang.这时电话活过来了,满地跑叫‘Your call,your call'
It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' ' Lucy 姨妈在九又四分之三站台打电话
But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 作者坐在承载魔法盛宴的百米长桌前
'What are you doing ?' she asked.Lucy 姨妈头上冒出一个个问号型的肥皂泡
' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.作者嘴里塞满一个汽车大小的汉堡,边吃边说
'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late ? It's one o'clock!''Lucy 姨妈手里拿这一个写着“one o'clock”的板砖,伸出话筒敲在作者头上。

Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片
Postcards always spoil my holidays.一群卡片精灵在标着‘holidays’的日历上涂鸦
Last summer, I went to Italy.作者的飞机飞进一只长靴子,上面写着‘Italy’
I visited museums and sat in public gardens.作者进入梦幻博物馆和花园,里面的雕塑在跳舞
A friendly waiter taught me a few words ofItalian. 打扮成恺撒的服务生飞在空中教作者意大利语
'Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, 服务生从怀里拿出米粒大小的一本书
but I did not understand a word. 作者眼睛长出显微镜看但看不懂,叹口气把服务生吹跑
Every day I thought about postcards.卡片精灵象苍蝇在作者身边飞,赶都赶不走
My holidays passed quickly, 时钟飞转,比飞机螺旋桨还快
but I did not send any cards to my friends. 作者朋友们的手长长,跨洋伸到作者面前上面写着‘Please send me a card’
On the last day I made a big decision.作者他妈突然出现在他背上刺下‘I will send cards’四个大字
I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.作者头顶37张门板大的卡片回来
I spent the whole day in my room, 作者火箭般速度把门窗钉死,把自己关起来
but I did not write a single card ! 作者拿榔头敲头也想不出写什么,还挂了

Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行
I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. TIM 飞了只纸飞机,跨洋飞到作者手里,是信
He is in Australia. He has been there for six months.TIM 身边有六只袋鼠,肚子上分别写着‘one month’…‘six months’
Tim is an engineer. TIM 如瑞士军刀般,身上弹出榔头、扳手什么的
He is working for a big firm andTIM 从蜗牛壳大小的公司里走出来,上面写着‘big firm’
he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. TIM 在澳大利亚地图上PG冒烟飞来飞去
He has just bought an Australian carTIM 从一辆油轮般大小奇形怪状的车里出来,上面写着‘Made in Australia ’
and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia.视野从太空一直推进到澳大利亚,在到一个芝麻大小的镇
He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth.TIM 在澳大利亚地图上PG冒烟飞来飞去
My brother has never been abroad before,TIM 把身上写者‘never been abroad’的T-shirt脱掉
so he is finding this trip very exciting. TIM 兴奋的在T-shirt踩上两脚,在地球仪上上窜下跳

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞
Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury Scott先生从口袋里拿出一个气球吹成汽车修理厂放在Silbury
and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.Scott先生拿出橡皮泥捏成另一个汽车修理厂放在Pinhurst
Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,Scott拿把卷尺一量,5 英里
but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage,Scott去电信局申请电话,被一脚踢出来飞了2000米
so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Scott盖了个富丽堂皇的鸟笼,十二只鸽子编了号
Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. 一只鸽子穿了UPS快递员服,服叼着桌面大小信笺
The bird covered the distance in three minutes.鸽子2分59秒还在晒太阳,喝饮料,一秒钟内光速飞去
Up to now, Mr Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and 一只只鸽子如子弹般穿梭,信件堆成了山
other urgent messages from one garage to the other.信上粘着鸡毛,盖着‘特急’红戳
In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.汽车修理厂招牌上书‘Scott 山寨版中国电信’

