


2007-03-16 19:47
But / we don't have company credit cards.
James: As of today, I have one.
Steve: James! {Does} that mean that you got a promotion?
James: Let's order first, then I'll tell you all about it. Waitress, We'd like two of the steak and lobster specials.
Waitress: Yes, sir. And how would you like your steak?
James: Medium rare, please.
Waitress: And you, sir?
Steve: Make mine medium well, please.
Waitress: Fine. Anything to drink today?
James: Yes, I believe we will have two glasses of your best red wine.
Waitress: Very good. Will that be all?
James: Yes, Thank you.
Steve: Would you tell me what's going on? I'm dying of curiously.
James: I met Mr. Barnes this morning and we had a very interesting talk about the Wang account.
Steve: What did he say?
James: Well, first of all, you are looking at a new Executive Director in charge of the Wang account development team.
Steve: Are you serious? Congratulations James, you really deserve it. Wow! An executive position, I can't believe it.
James: That's not all. Mr. Barnes thinks that what this account really needs is not only technical support / but a new promotional strategy to emphasize the strengths of our software and Wang's operating systems. My new job is to put together and supervise team / to continue technical development and support. In addition, as I just mentioned, the team will have to come up with a new and innovative marketing strategy for the product.
Steve: That all sounds great, James. I'm really happy for you. If I {had} been just a little more of a team player, perhaps Mr. Barnes would {of} promoted me to the team as well. I guess I really missed my chance yesterday.
James: Well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about over lunch today. Even though things didn't go that well for you yesterday, I understand why it happened. I know how much stress you {have} been under at work to bring in a big contract.
Steve: To be honest, I haven't been sleeping very well because of the stress.
James: Also, I remember how much you helped me when I first joined the company. That is why I want you to be my right hand man on the new team. Mr. Barnes authorized me to offer you the Assistant Executive Director's position.
Steve: You're not joking, are you? You are being serious with me?
James: I'm being totally serious.
Steve: I can't believe it. This is the chance I've been waiting for. But, I don't understand. Yesterday Mr. Barnes looked like he was ready to fire me. What changed his mind?
James: I don't think he was really that mad at you. But he did ask me who I wanted to be second hand command on my team / and I said that I wanted you.
Steve: After yesterday you would still do this for me?
James: Like I said before, I understand why you acted the way you did yesterday. I also need your advertising expertise on the team.
Steve: I don't know what to say. This is the promotion I've been waiting for.
James: Congratulations, Steve.
(Waitress brings the food and drinks.)
Waitress: Here are your orders and your drinks. Enjoy your meal.
James/Steve: Thank you.
Waitress: If there is anything else I can get you, please let me know.
(James picks up his wine glass.)
James: Let's make a toast to our new team.
Steve: Cheers!
Situation 23 Back at the Office
James: Stacy, could you come in to my office for a minute?
Stacy: I'll be right there, Mr. Goddard.
James: Sit down, Stacy.
Stacy: Thank you.
James: Stacy, do you like working for me?
Stacy: Yes, Mr. Goddard. Very much.
James: Well, I have been promoted to executive position, and I'm going to need a secretary that can handle the pressure. Do you think you can do the job? Of course there would be a raise with the new job.
Stacy: Congratulations, Mr. Goddard! That's a great news! Of course I would like to continue to work for you in your new position. And don't worry, I can handle it.
James: Good, that's settled then. Just one thing, if I need you to start working before nine o'clock, I hope you don't complain.
Stacy: Of course, Mr. Goddard. You won't hear me complain.
James: Good, then let's start packing for the move to our new office.
