


2007-03-16 19:41
nineteen sixty-nine), 11th street. Do you think you can find it?
Michelle: No problem. I know right where that park is. What's your phone number?
Robert: My number is 3-2-6--1-1-8-2.
Michelle: Did you say 3-2-6--1-1-2-8?
Robert: No, 3-2-6--1-1-'8-2'.
Michelle: Oh! Okay, I have it. What time should I come?
Robert: How about six o'clock?
Michelle: I have to ask my parents, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll let you know in school tomorrow?
Robert: Okay, talk you then, good night!
Michelle: Good night!
Situation 20 The Internet
(While their father and mother are watching the news, Robert and Sam get ready to go into the room to use the internet.)
Sam: Dad, Robert and I are going to use the computer, okay?
Father: Yes, but don't stay up too late.
Sam: Don't worry, we'll go to bed by eleven o'clock.
Sam: Come on Robert, let's go!
Robert: Okay. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad.
Father: Good night, Robert. Good night, Sam.
Mother: Good night, Robert. Good night, Sam.
(Sam and Robert go into their room.)
Sam: Robert, let's play games.
Robert: No! I want to learn about foreign countries like Samoa and Korea.
Sam: What! Are you crazy? Okay, let's talk to girls in a chat room.
Robert: No! I want to study. Sam, the internet isn't only for games and girls. It's for learning, too.
Sam: I know that! But girls and games are more fun than studying.
Robert: I know.
Sam: No, you don't. How would you know anything about girls? You've never had a girlfriend.
Robert: Yes, I have. I had a girlfriend now.
Sam: Really?
Robert: Yes, her name's Michelle, and she's coming here for dinner on Sunday.
Sam: First, let's play a few games and then let's talk about your girlfriend.
Robert: Okay, but you have to promise that you'll talk to me when we finish the games.
Sam: I promise!
Situation 21 Talking to Older Brother
(Sam and Robert finish using the internet and begin to talk.)
Robert: Sam, I really like this girl Michelle, what should I do?
Sam: Don't tell her you like her. If you tell the girl you like her, then she won't like you. And don't nice to her. If you too nice to her, then she won't like you either.
Robert: But I like her, how could I be mean to her?
Sam: You don't have to mean to her. Just don't be nice either.
Robert: But if I'm not nice to her, she might like another boy.
Sam: You don't know anything about girls. She will like you even if you not always nice to her.
Robert: But I was going to buy her some flowers tomorrow. Should I not?
Sam: No, that's fine. You should buy her flowers tomorrow, just don't buy her flowers every day.
Robert: Don't worry. I don't have enough money to buy her flowers everyday.
Sam: Well, even if you had all the money in the world, it's not a good idea to be too nice to girls. If you ask Dad, he'll tell you the same thing.
Robert: Um, so, what should I do tomorrow?
Sam: Buy her the flowers, but then don't talk to her too much.
Robert: Can I talk to her after school?
Sam: Sure, but not before that.
Robert: Okay. I'll give her the flowers in the morning and then talk to her after practice.
(Sam begins to yawn.)
Sam: O...
Robert: Sam, are you tired?
Sam: Yea, let's go to bed.
Robert: Okay, good night. See you tomorrow.
Sam: Good night.
