


2007-03-16 19:40
iday's with my parents and my friend Tommy. I had the steak with French fries and Tommy has spaghetti. After dinner, we both had a big ball of ice cream for dessert. And then we play video games and then...
(Mr. Hubbard thinks that Robert will never stop talking and so stop him.)
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Thank you, Robert. That is enough.
Robert: But I thought you want to hear everything. I have a lot more to tell you.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): No, that would be fine. Class, please open your books to page 56. Today, we are going to talk about...
(Robert interrupts Mr. Hubbard.)
Robert: But Mr. Hubbard, I still have a lot to say.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Good! Then you can tell me what you thought of story at page 56.
Robert: I didn't read it. I was busy.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Busy? Busy eating ice cream?
Robert: No, Busy practicing basketball. I am on the team.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): I don't care! All I care about is if you do your English homework or not! I think I'll have to call your parents.
Robert: No, please don't.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Why not?
Robert: I promise my parents that I would get good grades and if they let me play basketball.
Mr. Hubbard (teacher): Well, then you will have to study hard or I will call them next time.
Robert: Thank you so much. I will study hard. I promise.
Situation 8 Second Period
(Robert's second period of the day is computer class. His teacher is Mrs. Crass. )
Mrs. Crass: Class, please sit down.
Robert: Mrs. Crass, can I go to the bathroom?
Mrs. Crass: Of course not. You just had a five minutes break, why didn't you go then?
Robert: I was busy getting ready for this class.
Mrs. Crass: You should have been ready for this class last night. You will just have to wait!
Robert: Okay, but can I show you my homework first?
Mrs. Crass: Yes, of course you can.
(Robert takes a CD out of his backpack.)
Robert: I made a computer game called space killer.
Mrs. Crass: How do you play it?
Robert: You are flying in the spaceship and you have to fight against aliens.
Mrs. Crass: How do you win?
Robert: You can't ever kill all the aliens. But whoever gets the most points wins.
Mrs. Crass: And how do you score points?
Robert: You score points by killing aliens. You get one point per alien and ten points for destroying alien ship.
Mrs. Crass: That sounds very violent!
Robert: No, it's just fun. And most computer games now are much more violent than this one.
Mrs. Crass: Well then, let's see if it works.
(Robert takes his CD and puts it into a CD-ROM drive.)
Robert: Wow, that looks great. You did a good job! I'm giving you an A.
Mrs. Crass: Thanks, Mrs. Crass.
Situation 9 Recess 1
(After his computer class, Robert gets a fifteen minute break that is calls ‘recess'.)
Billy: Hey, Robert! How were your classes?
Robert: They were great! My English teacher, Mr. Hubbard, gave me a second chance to do my homework. And my computer teacher, Mrs. Crass, really liked the computer game I made.
(Billy looks a little sad.)
Billy: I wish I could say the same. My history teacher hates me. He says he is going to call my Dad, so I can't play basketball.
Robert: Who is your history teacher?
Billy: Mr. Cranston.
Robert: Oh, yeah! I had him last year. He was really mean.
Billy: Yes, he still is really mean. He knows how much I like sports and still he is going to call my Dad.
Robert: Maybe not.
Billy: What do you mean?
Robert: I mean last year I had the same problem.
Billy: What did you do?
Robert: I wrote a extra report and he agreed not to call my parents.
Billy: Do you think he'll do that for me?
Robert: I don't know, but you should try.
Billy: You are right. I will ask him. Hey, let's go talk to some girls.
Robert: Good idea!
Situation 10 Recess 2
(Robert and Billy find Michelle.)
Robert: Hey, there's Michelle. Why not to go talk to her?
Billy: I'm shy. You talk to her. I'll listen.
Robert: What? It was your idea to talk to girls.
Billy: I know, but now I'm scared.
Robert: You're chicken. Okay, I'll talk to her. Watch and learn!
(Robert begins talking to Michelle while Billy listens and laughs.)
Robert: Hey, Michelle, what's up?
Michelle: Nothing much. What's up with you?
Robert: Nothing. Oh, but I made the basketball team.
Michelle: Cool! What's position do you play?
Robert: I play forward. I could play guard but I'm tall so the coach wants me to play forward.
Michelle: I don't really know the difference between guard and forward. But it's great that you're on the team. I'm a cheerleader, you know.
Robert: No, I didn't know that. You're pretty enough to be a cheerleader though.
Michelle: Stop it! You lying.
Robert: Not really, you are very pretty.
Michelle: Really? Then why don't you ever talk to me?
Robert: I'm talking to you now.
Michelle: That's true. Do you have a girlfriend?
Robert: No. Do you have a boyfriend?
Michelle: No.
Robert: Would you come watch basketball practice today after school?
Michelle: Yes. I have a cheerleading practice then, too.
Robert: Great! I'll see you then.
Michelle: Okay, see you then.
Situation 11 Social Studies
(Robert's third period class is social studies in which students learn aboutdifferent countries and societies. His teacher's name is Mr. Bert.)
Robert: Mr. Bert. I'm sick. Can I go to the nurse's office?
Mr. Bert: No, not yet. Today we're going to talk about Japan and Korea. And I think you should stay here. After we talk, if you're still feeling sick, you may go to the nurse's office.
Robert: All right. When does the class start?
Mr. Bert: Right now. Class, today we're going to talk about Japan and Korea. These countries are very far away from America, but they are very important. When I was young, we didn't learn about Asia in school, and so we knew very little. These days, however, politics, economics and internet have made our relationship to Asia closer than ever. And the two countries, we have the closest relationship to are Japan and Korea.
Robert: Why do we have a closest relationship to Japan and Korea?
Mr. Bert: Well, Robert, we buy more than half our cars, computers and other electronics from those two countries. But more importantly, they have long and interesting histories and cultures. Let me start it with the history and culture of Korea.
